Acne Marks Vs Acne Scars

Acne Scars Vs. Acne Marks

Acne Scars vs. Acne Marks

Two different kinds of blemishes that might appear following a breakout are scars and acne marks.

Acne is a prevalent skin condition that impacts millions of adults and teenagers globally.

Breakouts from acne have a significant impact on your general well-being and confidence.

Acne Scars and marks
Acne Scars and marks

However, acne is not the end of the issue for many.

Many people struggle with the scars and blemishes left by acne, which are the aftereffects of acne.

Although “acne marks” and “acne scars” are occasionally used synonymously, they refer to two different skin ailments.

Understanding the difference between acne scars and marks may help you find and choose the best skin treatments.

Continue reading to discover some of the main distinctions between acne scars and marks, along with the suggested care for each.

What are acne marks?

Acne marks or dark patches are certainly something you deal with regularly if you have mild to severe acne.

These dark, flat spots typically have a reddish-brown hue and appear right after an acne breakout that inflames the skin.

The body attempts to enhance blood flow to the damaged location by releasing white blood cells into the bloodstream when inflammation begins.

The presence of melanocytes in these white blood cells encourages the skin’s production of melanin, which results in the areas becoming distinctly darker.

Preventing breakouts is the only way to avoid acne marks, and the best way to achieve this is by following a good skincare regimen.

Your best option if you already have acne marks is to use topical treatments that contain anti-inflammatory substances (such as peptides and mushroom mycelia)

Acne marks and dark spots

Dark spots can result from mild to moderate acne outbreaks, but the important distinction is that acne isn’t the main cause of these spots.

In addition, sun exposure, stress, pregnancy, and even hormonal changes can result in pigmentation.

In contrast to acne scars, which can be elevated and uneven, dark areas are often flat.

Acne marks on the face

Inflammation of acne lesions leads to acne scars. The wall of the acne pore breaks down and the pore swells.

Certain acne lesions are tiny, leaving behind shallow scars that fade fast.

Occasionally, the contents of blemishes can seep into the surrounding tissue and cause deeper scars.

Types of acne marks

PIH and PIE are further divisions of the acne markings.

Red spots on fair skin are called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Darker skin tones are more likely to experience brown post-inflammatory erythema.

Inflammatory acne is the root cause of both of these conditions.

However, PIH is a result of an excess of melanin, whereas PIE is a result of blood vessel dilation associated with the wound healing process. As the skin becomes thinner during the healing process, PIE looks worse.

Acne-related dark spots are not scars and are relatively easier to cure, allowing you to get back to having clear, balanced skin.

What are acne scars?

However, acne scars are more problematic since they leave behind unsightly and sometimes difficult-to-remove marks on the skin.

They develop as a result of the body’s inability to fully recover from an acne attack, which results in skin inflammation that harms the pore walls.

Depending on the kind, acne scars might be elevated or indented.

Sadly, certain individuals are more susceptible to developing acne scarring than others.

This mostly depends on the type of acne that a person has and how their body reacts to the inflammation that acne causes.

For instance, scarring is far more common in people with cystic acne (where pimples grow deep under the skin’s surface) than in people with papules or pustules.

Similarly, popping or picking at pimples increases the likelihood of scarring because these actions might impede healing and worsen the inflammation.

Apart from treating acne with a strong skincare routine, keeping your face clean and letting your body cure acne on its own is the best approach to preventing acne scars.

This entails never picking at an acne lesion or trying to pop an existing zit.

Consider treatment choices ranging from topical remedies to dermatological treatments if you currently have acne scars.

Hyperpigmentation: acne marks vs. acne scars

Acne scarring results in an expansion of tissue or a pitted or depressed area that leaves a raised scar.

Conversely, hyperpigmentation is flat. It is just darker than the skin around it; it is neither elevated nor depressed.

Acne scars generally fall into two categories:

Hypertrophic scar: These are elevated scars that might have a crimson or pink hue. They frequently itch and may even hurt a little.

A keloid scar is a severe form of hypertrophic scar that develops as a result of an overabundance of scar tissue during the healing process due to excess protein.

Atrophic scars are skin indentations that can be deep or superficial.

Ice pick, rolling, and boxcar scars are some of the typical subtypes of atrophic scars.

These scars are further divided into:

  • Boxcar wounds: These indentations are large and rectangular, with well-defined edges.

Because of the sharp edges, treatment is challenging.

  • Ice-pick wounds: Another way to describe these is as scooped-out pores. These are the narrowest and deepest indents.
  • Rolling scars: These scars are wide indentations in the skin that have sloping edges, much like their name suggests.

As people age, their scars become more noticeable because their skin becomes less elastic.

Inflammatory acne that lasts a long time is typically the cause of these scars.

  • Hypertrophic scars: One of the common effects of cystic acne is raised scarring.

When cystic acne occurs, scar tissue accumulates and becomes excessive, causing a protrusion of the skin.

They are more likely to appear on the back, jawline, or chest, where your cyst is located. They are relatively uncommon.

What causes acne marks and scars?

Inflammation and skin damage from pimples are the main causes of acne scars and markings.

Acne scarring is more common in cases of severe acne and adult acne, such as cystic acne.

Squeezing the zit or misusing acne creams or treatments can make this worse. Not every acne therapy is effective.

Some might even make the zits worse.

This organic process causes the injured area to become redder and boosts blood flow there. White blood cells are not alone, though.

When the body’s healing process is not able to effectively address skin irritation, acne scars can result.

To mend the skin, the body later develops new collagen and blood vessels.

The body releases matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) as part of the natural healing process for acne scars.

Nevertheless, the skin surrounding the pimples heals suddenly, which causes various acne scars, including rolling, ice pick, and hypertrophic scars, to emerge.

Acne marks vs. acne scars treatment

As previously stated, acne scars don’t need much care.

If you take better care of your skin and receive a series of chemical peels to smooth out pigmentation issues, you could get away with the marks gradually going away after a few months.

But for treating acne scars, laser scar revision is your best option.

Treatment of acne scars

Scarring from acne is much more difficult to treat than the less noticeable markings left behind by acne because scars alter the skin’s structure and point to damage in the dermis and elastin that can’t be corrected with over-the-counter creams.

The following processes are used to treat acne scars:

  • Laser treatments
  • Micro-needling
  • Chemical peels
  • Dermal fillers
  • Chemical Peel
  • Subcision
  • Steroid injection

Topical treatments for acne scars

The following substances should be used to treat acne scars: Although they cannot be used alone, they have to be included in the skincare products:

  • Alpha-hydroxy acids: The acids smoothen and exfoliate the skin’s surface, enhancing the texture and look of the scars.
  • Lactic acid: The skin’s texture can be made softer and more uniform by using lactic acid.
  • Retinoid: It serves to enhance the texture of the skin and lessen discoloration.
  • Salicylic acid: Salicylic acid is the main ingredient in skincare treatments used to treat acne.

It helps to lessen scarring by unclogging pores.

Treatment options for Acne marks ~ acne marks treatment

Certain hydroxy acid types, such as AHAs, BHAs, and PHAs, exfoliate the skin and eliminate layers of dead skin cells.

The peeling process produces a significant increase in cellular turnover, which improves acne spots.

AHAs, which have an impact on hyperpigmentation, inhibit tyrosinase, which produces melanin.

OTC-level gentler alternatives decrease water loss and raise ceramide levels in the skin.

As a result, the stratum corneum is reinforced, which raises the PIE scores.

Unlike acne scars, acne marks also significantly improve with topical treatments like:

  • Micro-needling radiofrequency
  • Vascular laser treatment
  • Pico laser treatment
  • Vitamin c
Topical treatments for acne marks 

Listed below are some substances needed for treating acne marks by direct application:

  • Azelaic acid: In addition to reducing inflammation and tyrosinase activity, the beneficial acid also lessens the appearance of dark spots.
  • Hydroquinone: Tyrosinase inhibition is how hydroquinone effectively treats post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation signs.
  • Niacinamide: Acne marks of any kind can be effectively faded with niacinamide.
  • Retinoid: This substance is great for treating acne marks caused by both PIH and PIE because it speeds up the turnover of the epidermis and stops the inflammatory pathways that cause melanin.
  • Vitamin C: The antioxidant inhibits tyrosinase, and it controls the stratum corneum.

In addition, the vitamin promotes wound healing while lowering inflammation.

  • Other effective topical treatments include kojic acid,
  • Alpha arbutin,
  • Licorice extract, and
  • Ceramides, which lessen the appearance of pigmented spots left behind by acne,
Acne marks removal cream

Well-known acne mark removal creams include:

  • ScarAway Gel Pads
  • Acnescar Advanced Gel by Brinton
  • Abbot Melaglow Rich Cream
  • Glyco 6 Cream

Factors influencing healing and fading of acne scars

Numerous factors play a role in the difficult process of acne scar healing and fading.

Each factor affects the speed and efficacy of scar resolution, from skin type to scar type and even individual healing processes.

Skin type and scar type: While deeper skin tones may see persistent darkening, lighter skin tones typically see less apparent hyperpigmentation.

Scariness is also a factor. Subtle scars, like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, may go away on their own with time, while deeper scars, like boxcars or ice pick scars, take longer to disappear.

The scar’s placement on your body may also have an impact on the healing process.

It’s all about skin cell regeneration and blood flow—nature’s unique impacts.

Individual healing processes: Different people’s bodies heal and fade scars in different ways.

It is similar to a distinct narrative encoded in our DNA, intricately linked to our general well-being and immune system performance.

Some might be resolved relatively quickly, while others would need a little more time and assistance.

Every person’s path is as distinct as their fingerprint, and that’s something to keep in mind.

Duration of scar fading:

Some minor blemishes and surface scars might disappear on their own with time, while more serious scars might need more extensive medical attention.

Scar type, depth, and treatment method are some of the variables that affect how long a scar fades.

While some scars fade over a few weeks, others may take months or even years.

The secret is to adhere to your skincare regimen consistently and incorporate suggested treatments to hasten the fading process.

Realistic expectations regarding the scar healing and fading process can be formed by being aware of these elements.

Recall that while total scar eradication might not always be achievable, the look of acne scars can be significantly improved with the correct techniques and a conscientious skincare routine.

See your dermatologist for more advice if, after a year, you see very little progress.

Post-acne marks

When zits go away, the reddish or brownish marks left behind usually go away on their own without the need for therapy.

However, there is a chance that scarring will result from picking or squeezing acne.

Two types of acne scars exist those with a shallow depression (sometimes known as “rolling” scars) and those with a deeper pit.

How to get rid of acne marks fast

Some of the fastest ways to get rid of acne scars include:

  • Laser and Light
  • Peels and Facials
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Light Treatments
  • Resurfacing Treatments
  • Topical Treatments

Although treating acne scars and marks might be difficult, some treatments can help your skin seem clearer and more confident again.

Keep up a skincare regimen that suits you, and give the procedure some time.

Recall that correcting current imperfections is not as vital as preventing new ones.

To reduce the chance of scarring, use non-comedogenic cosmetics, shield your skin from the sun, and refrain from picking at your skin.

By using the appropriate method, you may minimize the visibility of scars and acne marks and bring back the natural beauty of your skin.

If you’re having trouble with acne scars, don’t be afraid to talk to a professional.

Many effective treatments can help you get the clear, healthy skin you want.

Are acne marks the same as acne scars?

Acne scars have a rough texture and create noticeable dips in the skin’s surface, unlike acne spots, which are flat and discolored.

It may be more difficult to lessen their appearance because they are the consequence of alterations in the skin’s collagen structure.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars: What’s the Best Treatment for Acne Scars?

Home skin care. Using sunscreen can help limit the contrast between unscarred skin and a scar.

  • Soft-tissue fillers
  • Steroid injection
  • Dermabrasion
  • Chemical peel
  • Skin needling
  • Laser resurfacing
  • Other energy-based procedures
Do acne marks turn into scars?

When zits go away, the reddish or brownish marks left behind usually go away on their own without the need for therapy.

However, there is a chance that scarring will result from picking or squeezing acne.

Do acne marks go away?

If you had a nasty zit that left you with a red or brownish mark on your face, it should go away eventually.

It might, however, take a year or more. Speak with your doctor if acne marks are bothering you; they may be able to offer suggestions.

How long do acne marks take to fade?

Acne lesions normally leave behind reddish or brownish markings that ultimately go away; however, it may take a year or more.

In general, acne scars—especially severe ones—are permanent unless they are treated. However, mild or moderate scars may eventually vanish.

Why are my acne marks not fading?

While some scars may eventually go away, some that are persistent will follow you for the rest of your life if you ignore them.

If you have cystic acne, which leaves deep, permanent scars, things get severe.

Picking at zits or scabs during the healing process is the main cause of acne scars.

How can I lighten my acne scars?

Depending on the kind and degree of scarring, there are a few options, such as:

  • Chemical peels with salicylic acid
  • Other creams and retinoids
  • Light therapy, laser treatment, micro-needling, and other techniques.
  • Surgery, occasionally.
How do I know if my acne scars are permanent?

You just have an acne mark if your skin stays smooth in places that are red or black.

Those are merely transient discolorations; they are not scars. The marks often go away in three to six months.

On the other hand, if you have a scar, you have permanent skin damage that will require treatment to go away.

What heals acne marks fast?

By using sunscreen, you can lessen the difference in appearance between scarred and unscarred skin.

Dermabrasion, chemical peels, injectable steroids, laser resurfacing, soft tissue fillers, and other energy-based treatments are all examples of skin needling.

Does Vaseline help acne scars?

Moisture is necessary for your skin to repair and look better.

The stratum corneum, the skin’s outermost layer, can absorb three times its weight in water.

Apply Vaseline® Intensive Care Deep Restore Lotion to your body to hydrate it if you have scars from acne on certain areas, such as your back and shoulders.

Which cream helps to remove acne marks?
  • Abbot Melaglow Rich Cream
  • Acne Scar Advanced Gel by Brinton
  • Glyco 6 Cream
  • ScarAway Gel Pads
How long does vitamin C take to fade acne scars?

This overnight treatment, which contains 15% ascorbic acid, will lighten scars and dark spots in a few weeks.

Does sunscreen remove acne scars?

While sunscreens do not directly remove acne scars, they do play a significant role in preventing further damage that might exacerbate the look of scars.

Exposure can result in skin redness, irritation, and hyperpigmentation, all of which can accentuate the appearance of acne scars.

How do I know what kind of acne scars I have?

Atrophic scars are shallow, flat indentations that heal beneath the epidermis.

Boxcar scars are large, typically box-shaped depressions with distinct borders.

Smaller, more slender indentations that tip downward into the skin’s surface are known as ice-pick scars.

How can I lighten my acne scars naturally?

Black seed oil is extracted from a small-flowered plant that grows in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Western Asia.

It is also referred to as black caraway, black cumin, black onion seeds, aloe vera, honey, rosehip seed oil, and baking soda.

How do you get rid of acne marks completely?

Choices consist of:

Synthetic peels: A dermatologist can suggest a peel type based on a patient’s skin type, degree of acne, and scarring.

The following procedures include injections, dermal filler, micro-needling, laser treatment, surgery, and electrodessication.

Is Vitamin C good for acne scars?

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, or PIH, as it is often known, is the result of severe acne scarring and patches.

Vitamin C can help restore the appearance of your skin by promoting the manufacture of collagen.


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