Dukan Diet

7 Day Dukan Diet Plan, Phases, Pros and Cons

Dukan Diet: Pros and Cons: 7-Day Dukan Diet Plan, Phases

Pierre Dukan, a self-described nutritionist and former French physician, created the high-protein, low-carb Dukan diet.

This diet, also referred to as the Dukan approach, is based on what hunter-gatherers might have consumed.

Dukan Diet for weight loss
Dukan Diet for Weight Loss

There are one hundred items in the diet, all of which are vegetables or proteins.

As long as they stick to the 100 meals, the person is free to consume as much as they like.

While research has connected the Dukan diet to potential health risks, such as liver and renal problems, it may also help people lose weight. Furthermore, it might not supply the body with all the nutrients it requires.

An overview of the Dukan diet is given in this article, along with information on its methodology, efficacy, and potential health hazards.

What is the Dukan Diet?

The four phases of the high-protein, low-carb Dukan Diet are designed to help you lose weight.

Dr. Pierre Dukan, a French medical practitioner with expertise in weight management, developed it.

In response to an obese patient who claimed he could give up all food except meat to lose weight, Dukan developed the diet in the 1970s.

Dukan wrote “The Dukan Diet” and released it in 2000 after witnessing numerous patients follow his diet plan with remarkable weight reduction outcomes.

After being published in 32 countries, the book quickly rose to prominence as a bestseller.

People claimed to lose weight quickly and easily with it—all without experiencing hunger.

The Atkins Diet and the high-protein, low-carb Stillman Diet both have certain similarities with the Dukan Diet.

How does the Dukan diet work?

Research has not confirmed that the weight loss that results from following a high-protein diet is healthy.

There are a few reasons why a high-protein diet might help you lose weight, and a 2014 study suggests they are:

  • Making the individual feel more satisfied
  • Lowering ghrelin concentrations, which are associated with hunger
  • Enhancing the body’s glucose balance
  • Producing a loss of bodily fluids, or diuresis

Researchers have shown that the diet is not nutritionally adequate because it excludes some food groups, like fruits and grains.

It can also be a challenging and inconvenient diet because you have to make all of your meals from scratch.

While dining out is an option, it could be challenging to monitor the food preparation practices used at a restaurant.

The numerous regulations of the Dukan diet might make it challenging to stick to, particularly if other people in the home are not doing the same.

Additional issues consist of the following:

  • Water will make up the majority of the first weight loss, which is transient.
  • Fish and meat that are high in lean protein might be pricey.
  • Due to their strictness, the regulations might be challenging to observe over time.

Dukan Diet phases

The Dukan Diet first determines your goal weight, also known as your “true” weight, taking into account your age, prior attempts at weight loss, and other factors.

The amount of weight you need to shed to get to your “true” weight will determine how long you spend in each phase.

The Dukan diet contains four phases, which are as follows:

  • The diet begins with an “attack phase,” during which you consume unlimited amounts of lean protein in addition to 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran daily.
  • While in the “cruise” period (1–12 months), consume 2 tablespoons of oat bran daily and swap days where you eat lean protein for days where you eat lean protein and non-starchy vegetables.
  • Consolidation phase (five days for each pound dropped during phases 1 and 2). Vegetables and lean protein are unlimited, while carbs and fats should be limited to around half of what you eat daily.
  • If your weight stays the same during the stabilization phase (indefinite), follow the rules from the consolidation phase.

If your weight changes, you can adjust the rules accordingly. Three tablespoons of oat bran should be consumed each day.

The diet is split into two phases: one for weight loss and the other for maintenance, as previously mentioned.

Dukan diet food list

Every stage of the Dukan Diet has a unique eating plan. The following foods are permitted during each.

Attack stage: High-protein meals are the mainstay of the Attack phase, with a few additional items that are low in calories:

  • 3 cups, or 1.5 liters, of water minimum per day (required)
  • Every day, consume 1.5 tablespoons (9 grams) of oat bran (required)
  • Game such as bison, deer, veal, and lean beef
  • Trim pork
  • Chickens stripped of their skin
  • Tongue, kidney, and liver
  • Seafood and shellfish of all kinds
  • Eggs
  • Dairy items without fat (limited to 32 ounces or 1 kg daily), like ricotta, cottage cheese, yogurt, and milk
  • Tempeh with tofu
  • Seitan is a wheat- and gluten-based meat alternative.
  • Shirataki noodles, artificial sweeteners indefinitely, and diet gelatin
  • Minimal quantities of pickles and lemon juice
  • For greasing pans, use one teaspoon (5 ml) of oil per day.

You can easily get the Dukan Diet Attack Phase Food List PDF online.

Cruise stage: There are two days in between each step. People are limited to eating just foods from the attack phase on the first day.

Day two allows them to eat meals from the attack phase along with the following vegetables:

  • Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage
  • Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, lettuce, and others
  • One serving of beets or carrots per day
  • Two tablespoons (12 grams) of oat bran every day are required.
  • No more fruits or vegetables are allowed. There should be no fat added to salad dressings or pan grease, except 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of oil.
  • Onions, leeks, and shallots
  • Spaghetti squash
  • Pumpkin
  • Turnips
  • Bell peppers
  • Asparagus
  • Artichokes
  • Eggplant
  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Green beans

Consolidation phase: In this stage, you can combine any of the foods from the Attack and Cruise phases with the ones below.

  • Oat bran: You must consume 2.5 tablespoons (15 grams) of oat bran every day.
  • Protein meal: one day per week dedicated to just proteins; only items from the Attack phase are permitted.
  • Fruit: one medium apple, orange, pear, peach, or nectarine; two kiwis, plums, or apricots; or one cup (100 grams) of chopped berries or melon per day.
  • Bread: two pieces of whole grain bread each day, paired with a tiny bit of reduced-fat spread or butter
  • Starches: 1-2 portions of starches per week, such as potatoes, maize, beans, lentils, rice, and other grains, or 8 ounces (225 grams) of pasta and other grains.
  • Meat: 1-2 times a week, roast pig, lamb, or ham
  • Two “celebration meals” a week consisting of an appetizer, a main course, a dessert, and a glass of wine
  • Cheese: consume one serving (eighty grams or one ounce) of cheese every day.

Stabilization phase: The last stage of the Dukan diet is called stabilization.

It all comes down to preserving the advancements made in the preceding stages.

Although there are certain guidelines to abide by, no meal is inherently forbidden.

  • Oat bran is a helpful food. Each day, take three tablespoons (17.5 grams).
  • If there are steps available, use them instead of the elevator or escalator.
  • Keep eating one meal a week that is solely composed of proteins.
  • Plan your meals using the consolidation phase as a general guide.

7-Day Dukan Diet Plan

To make sure you stay on track with the Dukan Diet, stick to this 7-day eating plan.

Always remember to follow the approved foods during each diet phase and stay away from the forbidden ones.

Here is a sample of the Dukan diet menu plan:

Days Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Day 1 Vegetable omelet with low-fat cheese Roasted turkey with green beans Beef kabobs with cherry tomatoes Fat-free Greek yogurt with honey
Day 2 Low-fat Greek yogurt with sliced almonds Grilled salmon with steamed broccoli Lean beef chili with a side salad String cheese
Day 3 Low-fat cottage cheese with cucumber Steak with grilled zucchini Shrimp stir-fry with broccoli Low-fat cheese stick
Day 4 Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon Grilled chicken breast with Greek salad Turkey burger with roasted vegetables Fat-free Greek yogurt with berries
Day 5 Smoked salmon on whole-grain toast Grilled shrimp with mixed vegetables Grilled chicken with eggplant Celery with low-fat cream cheese
Day 6 Omelet with diced ham and low-fat cheese Grilled chicken Caesar salad Grilled pork chop with sautéed mushrooms Beef jerky
Day 7 Oat bran pancakes with sugar-free syrup Tuna salad with mixed greens Baked salmon with asparagus Hard-boiled eggs

What does the Dukan diet cost?

Dairy goods, fresh veggies, and animal protein can be expensive.

On the Dukan diet, you’ll be consuming a lot of them, which may result in higher food costs.

What costs are related to the Dukan diet?

The following costs are associated with implementing the Dukan diet:

  • The individualized coaching plan covers daily interactive monitoring during the first three phases of the diet.

It is also mentioned on the Dukan website that the price of coaching differs based on your program and profile.

You’ll need to register and fill out the form on their website to find out how much your particular coaching package will cost.

  • Diet publications, like “The Dukan Diet Made Easy” and “The Dukan Diet,”
  • Groceries can get expensive when buying things like venison, lean meat, and shrimp.

Benefits of following the Dukan Diet

There’s shockingly little research on the Dukan diet, and many claim not to notice many benefits from it.

Its emphasis on complete foods, especially lean proteins, is commendable, but you’d be better off obtaining the same goal by following a more sustainable, less restricted eating pattern.

The two advantages of the Dukan diet and how to make use of them without adhering to such a rigid and difficult diet plan are:

It helps to choose lean meats properly.

One of the main components of the Dukan diet is lean protein.

A diet that incorporates more lean proteins may offer some benefits because these foods can help regulate blood sugar, heart health, and inflammation.

  • Among the best sources of lean protein is chicken.
  • Seeds and nuts.
  • The Turkey.
  • Seafood and fish in general
  • Hens

On the other hand, there’s no need to take a stand.

Aim for a healthy plate strategy for effective, long-lasting weight loss. Half of your meal should be made up of vegetables, 25% should be starchy carbohydrates, and 25% should be lean proteins.

No calorie counting is done.

You don’t need to carefully measure out your servings or keep track of calories when following the Dukan diet because it emphasizes eating entire, one-ingredient meals that you make yourself.

Removing calories from a diet can help some people feel less stressed because measuring and calculating calories can lead to disordered eating practices.

Whether or not you track calories, a nutritionist can help you determine how many calories you need each day and what constitutes a balanced diet for you.

Cons of the Dukan diet

When weighing the benefits and drawbacks of the Dukan diet, the disadvantages prevail. This diet has several challenges.

The diet’s restrictions are intricate and can be challenging to adhere to.

The guidelines for the diet are not well supported by scientific research.

The main problems with the Dukan diet are listed below:

When weighing the benefits and drawbacks of the Dukan diet, the disadvantages prevail. This diet has several challenges.

The diet’s restrictions are intricate and can be challenging to adhere to.

The guidelines for the diet need to be better supported by scientific research.

The main problems with the Dukan diet are listed below.

It’s restrictive. In short, there are a lot of rules with this diet. They’re difficult to track down and there are far too many of them.

An increased number of guidelines and rules on a diet increases the possibility of mistakes and noncompliance.

This is one of the main causes of the failure of so many fad diets.

Excessive limitations increase the likelihood of boredom and frustration, which can push you back into your old eating habits.

It is hard to follow. It’s not only about how many regulations there are; it’s also about how difficult it is to abide by them.

Furthermore, a lot of the Dukan diet’s guidelines here aren’t very applicable to the daily lives of most people.

For example, it can be challenging to remember and make plans for the alternating day guideline, which calls for one day of high protein and one day of “cruise” travel.

Having to continually remember what day of your diet you are on might make dinner preparation for your family very difficult.

And such stages can last for several months!

You might omit important nutrients. Due to a shortage of macronutrients (such as carbohydrates) and consuming far fewer calories than you are accustomed to, you may experience lethargy and exhaustion when you first start the Dukan diet.

More significant issues arise when you reach the cruise phase.

You run the danger of developing vitamin and nutritional deficiencies when your diet consists solely of vegetables and excludes fruit and entire grains.

With so few foods to choose from, there’s a chance you could be deficient in important micronutrients and develop imbalances in macronutrients.

For several months, some participants might not be able to eat fruit or certain vegetables.

You might still put on the weight that you lost. The Dukan diet, which promises to help you achieve lifelong weight management, plays into people’s anxieties about not being able to maintain weight loss.

However, you can end up gaining back all of the weight you lost on this diet.

The lowest number of calories your body requires to function when at rest, known as your basal metabolic rate (BMR), is lowered when you lose weight quickly.

You will find it more difficult to burn calories as a result, which will make it tougher for you to lose weight and keep it off.

It can result in stomach issues. To further add to the undesirable side effects, consider the following:

  • You probably don’t need as much oat bran every day to stay regular.
  • Some people may experience difficulty with normal bowel movements, particularly constipation, because of the high protein content and little soluble fiber content (save for a few teaspoons of oat bran).
Dukan Diet weight loss 4 weeks

According to the plan, you can lose two to four pounds a week after the first week and up to 10 pounds in total until you reach your target.

That’s incentive enough for dieters to stick to a rigid regimen that gradually reintroduces bread, cheese, and fruit to those who are devoted.

It is also favorable to those without gluten.

Dukan Diet for weight loss
Dukan Diet for weight loss

It is now easier to follow this duet than ever; this is because Dukan Diet Plans free download is available online.

This plan prioritizes lean protein sources over those high in saturated fat, in contrast to other high-protein diets.

Additionally, protein helps you feel fuller for longer, which aids in weight loss.

The program’s inability to impart lifetime healthy eating habits is a drawback.

What’s more troubling is that it suggests you continue in the consolidation stage until you accomplish your objective.

This stage may last for months or even years if you need to lose a lot of weight, which could result in a diet that is deficient in nutrients.

This diet might be effective for you if your goal is to lose a modest amount of weight quickly.

See your doctor first if you need to reduce a significant amount of weight, are over 50, or have a medical condition like diabetes.

Can I get the Dukan Diet PDF?

Yes, you can easily get it. Type Dukan diet PDF on your Google search

How much weight can you lose in a month on the Dukan diet?

Dukan diet calculator

According to the plan, you can lose two to four pounds a week after the first week and up to 10 pounds in total until you reach your target.

That’s incentive enough for dieters to stick to a rigid regimen that gradually reintroduces bread, cheese, and fruit to those who are devoted.

It is also favorable to those without gluten.

What foods do you eat on the Dukan Diet?

Any kind of lean red meat, including hog, lamb, and beef

  • Proteins from plants, such as seitan, tofu, tempeh, and soy.
  • Chicken
  • Shellfish and fish
  • Water
  • Dairy products without fat, including ricotta, cottage cheese, milk, cream cheese, Greek yogurt, and sour cream
How much weight can you lose on the Dukan diet?

The popular Dukan Diet is predicated on the notion that increasing your protein consumption is essential for weight loss.

The program promises that dieters can lose up to eight pounds in the first week and promotes a range of high-protein, low-carb foods through four phases.

Is the Dukan Diet good or bad for you?

The health benefits of adhering to the Dukan diet have not been sufficiently investigated.

Some worries eating a high-protein, low-carb diet may cause the body to accumulate ketones.

When your body is compelled to use fat for fuel, it produces ketone bodies.

Is Rice allowed on the Dukan diet?

Choose wholegrain pasta and cook it al dente (the body will take longer to metabolize) for the greatest outcomes.

When cooking the meal, avoid using cream or butter and limit the amount of boiled weight to no more than 220g.

Match the quantity of spaghetti with wholegrain rice.

How many eggs can you eat on Dukan?

Restricting your egg yolk consumption is only advised if you are concerned about your cholesterol levels.

You can eat two egg yolks a week if you have cholesterol issues.

In any case, you can eat as many egg whites as you want, and if your cholesterol is normal, you can eat one egg yolk each day.

What are the 4 stages of the Dukan Diet?

Phases one through four of the Dukan Diet are attack, cruise, consolidation, and stabilization.

The amount of weight you wish to reduce will determine how long you spend in each phase.

You determine your “true” weight before beginning any phase by taking into account your age, past weight loss attempts, and other variables.

What are the negative effects of the Dukan Diet?

Due to its extreme restrictions, the Dukan diet may cause boredom and poor adherence.

The Dukan diet may cause unpleasant side effects, such as headache, nausea, constipation, poor breath, and excessive exhaustion.

What is the first day of the Dukan Diet?

Attack phase (1–7 days): To begin the diet, consume 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran per day along with an unlimited amount of lean protein.

During the cruise period, which lasts between one and twelve months, consume two tablespoons of oat bran every day in addition to alternating between lean proteins.

Are fruits allowed in the Dukan diet?

According to the diet, you should prioritize eating fruit, non-starchy vegetables, and protein.

Treats, cheese, and starchy meals should be consumed in moderation.

It’s also advised to have one protein-only day per week and three tablespoons of oat bran every day.

How much water should I drink on Dukan?

The “pure protein phase” is another name for the initial stage of the Dukan diet.

You’ll only consume lean protein, with 68 different types of animal proteins available.

You can consume as much of it as you like each day, but only in addition to 6 to 8 glasses of water and 1.5 teaspoons of oat bran.

Can you exercise on the Dukan diet?

According to Pierre Dukan, a French medical practitioner and nutritionist who developed the Dukan Diet in 2000, you can succeed if you adhere to its guidelines.

The main components of the regimen are water, oat bran, lean protein, and a daily walk of 20 minutes.

How long does it take for the Dukan diet to work?

When the body’s main energy source, carbs, is restricted, the body is forced to use stored fat as an alternative fuel.

Created by Dr. Pierre Dukan, a French physician, the diet promises weight loss of up to 10 pounds in the first week and then 2–4 pounds per week until the target is met.


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