Beetroot Juice Side Effects

Beet Benefits

Beetroot Juice Side Effects

Beetroot juice is commonly included in healthy diets due to its many positive effects. However, are you aware of beetroot juice’s adverse effects? Liver damage and kidney issues are the main adverse effects.


For example, beetroot, also known as beta vulgaris or beet plant, contains a high content of oxalates, which bind to calcium and can cause kidney stones in those who are susceptible.

Excessive beetroot consumption is also linked to the accumulation of metal ions in the liver. However, it is important to know the side effects of drinking this juice too.

Side Effects of Beetroot Juice and Reactions

Below are some of beetroot juice side effects

  • May Cause Anaphylaxis: Although rare, anaphylaxis is an acute allergic reaction to an allergen to which the body has developed hypersensitivity. It can be brought on by beta vulgaris.
  • Could Provide Issues Throughout Pregnancy: Here’s where the dietary nitrates in beets could become an issue. Women who are expecting are especially vulnerable to nitrate’s effects. This is because of a normal rise in blood methemoglobin levels in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • May Cause Beeturia: Beeturia is defined as the staining of urine that occurs after consuming foods or beetroot-colored foods containing beta vulgaris. This disorder, which can cause urine to turn pink or deep crimson, may affect up to 14% of the population. It is more common in people who are iron deficient.
  • May Cause Anaphylaxis: Although rare, anaphylaxis is an acute allergic reaction to an allergen to which the body has developed hypersensitivity. It can be brought on by beta vulgaris.
  • Could Possibly Upset Your Stomach: There are nitrates in beetroot. Abdominal cramps may result from beetroot juice’s nitrates, per a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services document. Vomiting and stomach pains may result from high nitrate exposure. Adverse effects including decreased blood flow and higher heart rate could arise from the elevated nitrate level.

Other known side effects of beetroot juice include:

  • May boost the risk of kidney stones,
  • Might harm the liver,
  • Exhaustion or feeling dizzy while pregnant,
  • Decreases blood pressure,
  • Allergic reaction,

Beet juice side effects on high blood pressure

Adverse effects of beetroot juice on people with high blood pressure: Though it doesn’t have many negative effects on the body, people with hypotension should avoid beetroot.

Beetroot is also high in oxalate and fiber, therefore people with kidney stones and IBS should stay away from it.

Beetroot Juice Side Effects; kidney

The beetroot lacks calcium but is a good source of other nutrients, including vitamins, iron, dietary fiber, and minerals.

Because beetroot has a lot of oxalate, it may cause kidney stones. It raises the excretion of oxalate in the urine, which might result in the formation of calcium oxalate stones.

Beetroot Juice Side Effects; liver

Metal ions might build up in the liver as a result of consuming too many vegetables. Even though beetroot juice is a healthy juice, consuming too much of it can harm your liver. Furthermore, no known interactions between beet juice and medications exist.

Beetroot Juice Side Effects; throat

Consumption of beetroot juice can also cause the vocal cords to become constricted, which can make it difficult to talk and swallow for some people. If you have a beetroot allergy, it is strongly recommended that you abstain from consuming any type of beetroots.

Side effects of beetroot on hair

There are no side effects of Beetroot on hair; it is strongly advised that you incorporate the superfood into your hair care regimen. Beetroot is a natural remedy that has no negative impact on hair growth or scalp health.

Is it safe to assume that you should stop eating such a nutritious, iron- and vitamin-rich diet as a result of this? No, although eating raw or drinking beet juice may have less harmful effects if you take it in moderation and are conscious of the drawbacks.

We’ll look at some benefits of beetroot juice later in the article.

What is beetroot juice? ~ What is beetroot? An overview

Beet (beetroot) juice is a nutritious vegetable juice that is created by juicing fresh beets. This beet juice is delicious on its own or combined with other juices (such as those made from green apples and carrots) for a refreshing and healthy beverage.

Beetroot Juice Nutrition

Beet juice is an excellent source of many different vitamins and minerals. It is possible to avoid vitamin deficits by routinely consuming this vegetable juice.

A serving of organic beetroot juice measuring 100 milliliters (ml), or the equal of a small glass, contains:

  • 29 calories,
  • 50 g of carbohydrates,
  • no fat,
  • 40 g of fiber,
  • 42 grams (g) of protein,
  • 42 g of sugar.

It also contains vitamins and minerals like:

  • Folate,
  • Potassium,
  • Vitamin C,
  • Fiber,
  • Antioxidants
How to Make Beetroot Juice at Home?

The good news is that you can get beetroot juice from the store, making this an easy and clean alternative. However, you can also prepare this juice at home in a matter of minutes. Here are the steps:

  • First, cut off all of the beetroot’s leaves and tips,
  • To get rid of the dirt, wash the beetroot,
  • The beetroot should then be roughly chopped.
  • Lastly, place it in the juicer and proceed to serve.

But, you may also use a blender if you don’t have a juicer at home. However, to do that, you must carefully roast the diced beetroot for an hour. Proceed to combine, strain, and enjoy. You can add some healthy ginger or lime to the juice to give it some extra taste.

Beetroot juice benefits

Beetroots are a superfood with a wealth of important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, they have special bioactive substances called betalains that have potential health benefits.

Beetroots can be consumed whole or their juice can be consumed to gain these benefits:

  • Contains Inflammatory Properties: Research indicates that beetroot juice can also help avoid long-term inflammation. But since the study is still ongoing, it hasn’t been completely proven as of yet. While inflammation is a normal immune response, persistent inflammation in the human body has been linked to several illnesses, including obesity, heart disease, and cancer.
  • Aids in Weight Loss: Beetroot is also an aid in weight loss. This implies that the juice enhances the synthesis of nitric oxide, which has a direct impact on the person’s heart and muscles.
  • Boots heart health: Beetroot is a potent source of nitrates, which widen the blood vessels in the heart by decreasing blood pressure, thus promoting heart health. This juice lessens the excessive activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which raises blood pressure and causes heart disease.
  • Beneficial for Immunity and Digestion: Due to its high sugar content, beetroot juice is generally discouraged for diabetic individuals. In addition, it has vitamin C, fiber, and folate, all of which support increased immunity, tissue growth, and digestive processes.
  • Gives Glowing Skin: The anti-inflammatory qualities of beetroot aid in reducing acne and pimples; this is why beetroot juice is so beneficial for those with skin conditions including dryness, dullness, or acne.

Additionally, it provides naturally radiant skin while also evening out skin tone.

Other benefits of beetroot juice include:
  • It is high in vitamin C and aids in the removal of imperfections, this juice is also a good blood purifier,
  • The high fiber content of beetroot aids in satiety and prevents overeating,
  • Helps in treating erectile dysfunction,
  • Infuses rich potassium inside the body,
  • Can slow the progression of dementia,
  • Supports liver health,
  • Helps in boosting muscle power.
Beetroot benefits for female

Extra iron is necessary for women because they lose blood during their menstrual cycle and need to prevent anemia and immune system weakness.

The iron from beetroot juice contributes to the production of more red blood cells, which increases hemoglobin and oxygen delivery to the body’s cells.

Drinking beetroot juice at night

The two main advantages of consuming beet juice or beetroot juice before bed are that it lowers blood pressure and enhances sleep. After testing the different products, we discovered that BEET IT Organic Beet Juice was the finest beetroot juice to drink at night.


The world’s healthiest meals can nonetheless cause problems from time to time, and beetroot side effects are no exception.

Even if research indicates that beets are rich in nutrients, health advantages, and nitric oxide, it’s still necessary to heed the old saying, “Everything in moderation.”

The recommended safe dosage of beetroot juice is not well established, and there is little research on the subject.

Therefore, it is essential to speak with your doctor to find out more about the recommended daily consumption, whether it’s safe for you to drink beetroot juice, and how many glasses of juice you can have each day.

Depending on your medical history, your doctor might be able to provide you with customized advice. If you encounter any serious symptoms, such as breathing difficulties, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, hives, or facial, lip, tongue, or throat swelling.


How much beet juice is too much? ~ How much beetroot juice per day?

Although the recommended daily consumption is not officially established, consuming one cup of beet juice every day is generally considered safe. A study found that consuming 8.4 ounces of juice per day decreased blood pressure’s diastolic and systolic values.

Who should not drink beetroot juice?

Beetroot juice should not be consumed by those with poor metabolisms as it may alter urine patterns and result in beeturia. But if such a problem arises, get in touch with your Ayurvedic doctor right away and have it resolved.

Who should avoid beetroot?

Before using beets or beetroot juice in their diet, anyone with low blood pressure or who is currently taking blood pressure medication should consult a healthcare provider. High oxalates in beets can produce kidney stones in those who are more susceptible to the ailment.

What happens if we drink beetroot juice daily?

Benefits of Beet Juice

In certain research, taking nitrate capsules or consuming roughly two cups of beet juice per day reduced blood pressure in healthy adults.

When you work out, beet juice may also improve your stamina. One study found that participants who consumed beet juice for six days were more sustained during vigorous exercise.

Can beetroot cause urinary tract infections?

Beet can give feces or urine a pink or crimson tint. However, this is safe. There are worries that beets may harm the kidneys and result in low calcium levels. People haven’t demonstrated this, though.

When should I stop drinking beetroot juice?

Beets contain a lot of oxalic acid and may be linked to the development of stones, according to Clinical Nutrition Research. Your doctor may advise you to avoid consuming beetroot extract or juice if you currently have stones

Can beetroot be added to the ZOBO drink?

This is a delightful blend of FRESH beetroot and zobo, the name for the hibiscus flower in Northern Africa, found in Rugani 100% Zobo Infused Beetroot Juice.

While zobo may be used to lower the body’s total blood cholesterol, beetroots may help combat chronic inflammation, hypertension, and iron shortages.

What organ is beetroot good for?

Beetroot juice improves the function of your heart and lungs when you work out.

Beets provide nitric oxide, which improves blood flow to your muscles. Consuming beetroot or beet juice before an exercise session can help athletes perform better. Folate, or vitamin B9, is abundant in beets and aids in cell growth and function.

Can I drink beetroot juice on an empty stomach?

Beetroot juice helps maintain the body’s natural flow and aids in digestion first thing in the morning.

It provides an abundant amount of betaine, which helps to raise stomach acid levels that are necessary to aid in digestion. In addition, beet juice is a rich source of vitamins and minerals that help the immune and digestive systems.

Can beetroot heal ulcers?

The research concluded that regular consumption of beetroot juice or fresh has anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties. Keywords: Peptic ulcer, beetroots, albino rats, and acute and chronic inflammation.

Should I take beetroot in the morning or at night?

Beetroot juice increases vitality and strength: This is the rationale for the recommendation to wake up your sluggish organs in the morning by consuming beetroot juice.

Because it improves the passage of oxygen to your muscles, beet juice is also regarded as an excellent beverage for working out.

How long does it take for beetroot juice to work?

How long does it take for blood pressure to drop after drinking a glass of beetroot juice? After an hour, consuming beetroot juice can lower blood pressure.

After consumption, blood pressure reaches its lowest point many hours later and stays affected for up to 24 hours after consuming your beetroot juice.

What happens if we drink beetroot juice at night?

Sipping it at night can promote restful sleep and help you relax after a demanding day. Better assimilation of nutrients: Certain nutrients are better absorbed when ingested apart from other meals; one example of this is the iron in beetroot juice.

Is beetroot good for women?

Beet iron contributes to the production of more red blood cells, which increases hemoglobin and oxygen delivery to the body’s cells. Women require additional iron to prevent anemia and illness from a weakened immune system since they lose blood during their menstrual cycle.

Can beetroot cause kidney pain?

You might not be at any risk unless you’ve experienced a kidney stone. It could be problematic to consume beets, beet greens, or beetroot powder if you are prone to kidney stones that contain oxalate.

Because of their high oxalate content, they may encourage the development of kidney stones in those who are vulnerable.

What happens to urine after eating beetroot?

Consuming beets or beet juice may indeed cause a small reddish or pink tint to your feces or urine. Beeturia is a phenomenon, but usually, nothing to get too excited about. According to some research, up to 14% of people who consume beets may be affected

Can I drink beetroot juice during periods?

Beetroot has a well-established correlation with menses and is a strong source of iron and folic acid. It increases your energy levels when you’re menstruating. Additionally, it lessens the bloating and water retention that many women suffer throughout their menstrual cycles.

Can you mix Moringa with beetroot?

Imagine how vivid this colorful juice would make you feel if you drank it! Just looking at it does that! Antioxidant-rich, this traditional ingredient combination is enhanced by the inclusion of moringa, which will leave you glowing.

Can I boil beetroot and drink it?

You can, indeed. Boiling water that has been used to cook beets is perfectly safe to drink. How come I can’t eat them raw? Beets are indeed edible raw, especially when grated or added to a salad.

How to consume beetroot for best results?

Steaming is the most nutrient-retaining method of cooking beets. It’s best to steam beets for no more than 15 minutes. If you have a steamer, steam the beets until the tip of a fork can be inserted easily.

What are the 6 benefits of beetroot?

Beetroots are nutrient-dense and a fantastic source of fiber, iron, manganese, potassium, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, and vitamin C.

Numerous health advantages, such as enhanced blood flow, decreased blood pressure, and improved athletic performance, have been linked to beetroots and beetroot juice.

Does beetroot repair the liver?

Antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin B-6, and iron can all be found in beetroot juice. These substances improve the liver’s capacity to eliminate toxins from the body while shielding it from oxidative stress and inflammation.

Is it better to drink beetroot juice hot or cold?

One food that is said to chill the body is beetroot. It has a cooling effect and is frequently advised to assist in lowering body temperature, particularly in hot weather or when one is uncomfortable with the heat. Beetroot, or beetroot juice, can be consumed to assist hydrate and feel refreshing.


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