Soursop Fruit (Graviola): Health Benefits and Uses

Soursop Fruit (Graviola): Health Benefits and Uses

Soursop Fruit Benefits
Soursop Fruit Benefits

Some people eat soursop fruit just for its taste while many ask “is soursop good for your health? What are the health benefits of eating soursop? Is soursop good for you?”

Well ask no more; this article will answer your questions and give you insights of the health benefits of soursop.

Soursop pronounced as “shawashop” is also called Guanabana, Guyabano, or Graviola, is a member of the annonaceae family of trees.

This soursop tree is native to the warm, humid regions of the americas, but it has spread throughout the world, taking up residence in southeast asia, the caribbean, central and south america, and the caribbean.

The leaves of soursop have long been utilized for medical purposes, even though the fruits are frequently eaten raw. They can be used as a topical application for various problems, or turned into a tea.

Soursop Fruits ~ Other facts about soursop fruit

  • The plant is used as rootstock for Annona Squamosa in India and Sri Lanka;
  • Its powdered seeds are used as an insecticide; the fruit is used as bait in fish traps;
  • The wood has been used for tanning, and it could be used to make paper pulp.

What is soursop?

Soursop (Annona Muricata) is a high-fiber, high-potassium, and vitamin c-rich vegetable.

It is low in fat, calories, and protein, just like other fruits.

Many people compare its flavor to that of an apple and strawberry blend with a hint of citrus. It is most frequently found in southeast Asian, Caribbean, and South American cuisines, where it is both eaten raw and utilized as an ingredient in drinks, syrups, and ice creams.

Soursop resembles an avocado with spikes in its appearance. Its flesh is white and contains huge black seeds, and its outer skin is stiff, green, and spiky.

A common description of soursop’s flavor is a blend of strawberry and pineapple with a hint of citrus or mango.

It has a rich, creamy texture that tastes like bananas.

It is packed with micronutrients and has more than 400 grams of potassium to help regulate blood pressure and speed up recovery after exercise, and 77% of your daily requirement of vitamin c to strengthen your immune system.

What is soursop made of?

Soursop Fruit/Gaviola contains:

  • Vitamins: c, b1, b3, b5, b6 & b9 (folate), b1 & b3 (pantothenic acid).
  • Minerals: which include phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, and iron.
  • The phytochemicals found in soursop are: alkaloids, flavonoids, sugars, cardiac glycosides, saponins, tannins, phytosterols, terpenoids, and proteins.
  • Vitamins; c, b1, b3, b3, b5 (pantothenic acid), b6 & b9 (folate).

Soursop Nutritional Facts

Nutrients per serving ~ Every soursop in its whole offers:

  • 413 calories
  • 6g of protein
  • 2 g of fat
  • 105 g of carbohydrates
  • Weight: 21 g
  • Sugar: 85 grams

How to eat

There are many ways to eat and use soursop some of which are listed below:

  • When fruit pulp is ripe, it is eaten raw or prepared into cool drinks, shakes, sorbets, sherbets, yogurt, and ice cream.
  • It can be used to make soursop tea.
  • Its pulp is used to make tarts, sauces, sweets, and desserts.
  • This popular fruit is frequently served as the sole ingredient in desserts or as an Agua fresca drink.
  • The young, immature fruits and sprouts are prepared as vegetables
  • The seed pulp can be chopped or shredded and added to salads or fruit cups.
  • Immature soursop is roasted or fried.

Soursop health benefits and side effects

Many parts of plants, such as the fruit, leaves, and stems, have therapeutic uses.

Owing to its hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant qualities, soursop can provide a number of health advantages but if not taken with caution it could have some side effects.

Soursop Fruit Health benefits

In addition to their nutritional value, soursop’s fruit, seeds, and leaves have been utilized in traditional medicine for over a century in a variety of preventative and curative methods.

Soursop leaves benefits are similar to the benefits of the fruit itself. Some of which include:

  • Soursop may help eradicate cancer cells: according to certain research findings, despite the majority of studies conducted to far being conducted in test tubes soursop extract was used to treat breast cancer cells, eradicate cancer cells and treat tumors in a test-tube investigation.
  • Relieving anti-inflammatory diseases: the anti-inflammatory qualities of soursop inhibit the decrease of cytokines that cause inflammation.

As a result, this fruit may help to reduce the symptoms of inflammatory illnesses such rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, and arthritis

  • Keeping diabetes from developing: soursop is a fantastic source of fiber, which slows down the absorption of sugar.

Blood glucose levels can be regulated by this, which can help those who have already been diagnosed with diabetes manages their condition.

  • Keeps your eyes healthy: a powerful antioxidant compound for eye health, lutein, is found in soursop and helps prevent the development of conditions including cataracts and macular degeneration.

These aging-related disorders harm the eyes and result in vision loss.

  • Safeguarding the stomach: soursop has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that lessen gastrointestinal damage from free radicals.

Because it lessens the production of stomach acid, this fruit is good for protecting the stomach, enhancing digestion, and managing certain conditions like gastritis and ulcers.

  • Reducing anxiety and tension: anonaine and asimilobine are substances with calming effects on the central nervous system, are found in soursop leaves.

Other Health benefits of soursop include;

  • Soursop functions partially as an expectorant
  • Fruit, juice, and tea are used medicinally to cure a variety of illnesses, from worms to stomach problems.
  • Leaf decoctions
  • To treat diarrhea and scurvy.
  • Guards against oxidative damage to your heart, brain, and other cells.
  • Controlling the blood pressure and improving immune function
  • Getting rid of constipation and protecting the body’s moisture levels
  • Aids infection treatment and improve digestive health
  • Relieves pain (analgesic function)
  • Contributes to the management of hypertension
    relieves rheumatism
  • It is used in the treatment of fever
  • Enhances the health of skin and hair
  • Soursop gets rid of bacteria
  • Boosts the quality of sleep
  • Guards against oxidative damage to your heart, brain, and other cells.
  • Soursop reduces inflammation and discomfort
  • It eliminates respiratory issues

In addition, soursop can be used to treat the following conditions:

  • Leg cramps, water retention, anemia, haematuria, vomiting, lumbago, heart disease, gallbladder issues, leprosy, indigestion, joint discomfort, and the ability to induce labor are just a few of the symptoms that may occur.
  • Cures ulcers
  • It can also be used for anti-ageing therapy
  • Soursop leaves are beneficial for the treatment of eczema
  • Therapy for infections of the urinary tract
  • Osteoporosis prevention
  • Treatment for boils
  • Hemorrhoids can be treated with soursop

Soursop leaves benefits

The fruit and leaves of the tree are used in traditional herbal medicine to treat a wide range of illnesses, including pain, hypertension, inflammation, fever, coughs, asthma, and digestive disorders (including diarrhea).

Possible side effects of soursop

The benefits of guanabana or soursop, are abundant however, if you eat soursop in excess, you could experience some side effects.

Very high quantities of soursop leaves can cause kidney damage or even death. But these effects won’t develop until you’ve had more than 70 glasses of this tea.

Some of these side effects are listed below:

  • Eye irritation: the soursop tree’s bark and seeds are both regarded as hazardous.

They contain substances including hydrocyanic acid, muricine, and anonaine that have the potential to be toxic. These may irritate the eyes.

  • Problems during pregnancy and nursing: it is not recommended for pregnant women to eat this fruit.

This is due to the fact that the fruit’s hazardous action may be triggered by the high energy present in the developing fetus’s cells, which could injure both the mother and the child, with the child being more vulnerable.

  • Significant weight loss: according to a study, the mice used in the investigation underwent significant weight loss after eating soursop.

Similar outcomes have been seen in people. Therefore, if you intend to use soursop for any condition that is especially related to your body weight, speak with your doctor.

  • Parkinson’s illness: according to a French study, eating soursop can cause Parkinson’s disease to develop.
  • Furthermore, anecdotal data points to possible interactions between soursop and diabetes medicine and blood thinners. Nevertheless, there isn’t much data to support these assertions.

Some other known side effects of soursop are:

  • Low level of blood pressure
  • Impacts the heart and blood system
  • Neurotoxicity,
  • Antidepressants,
  • Movement disorders, etc.

Soursop leaves side effects

Neural diseases such as seizures, memory loss, or hallucinations can arise from consumption soursop leaves or in form of tea.

See your doctor beforehand if you intend to use soursop in its raw form or as supplements that are sold on the market.

Soursop Fruit Benefits ~ the bottom line

Soursop is a nutritious fruit that, when included in your diet along with other fruit varieties, offers vital vitamins and minerals.

It offers numerous health benefits to the body, whether they are used as spices in meals or added to tea and juices.

Soursop leaves are a great complement to any health routine because of their remarkable health advantages.

Prior to beginning any new health regimen, always get medical advice.


What are the benefits of drinking boiled soursop leaves?

Now that we know the fundamentals of what a soursop is, let’s explore the health advantages these leaves offer. It is:

  • Rich in antioxidants,
  • They encourage better sleep,
  • Help manage diabetes,
  • Support liver health,
  • Enhance kidney health and improve respiratory health,
  • Anti-inflammatory advantages and anti-cancer properties.
Why is soursop illegal?

According to two studies cited by kellman, soursop is considered probably dangerous when taken orally.

Consuming the fruit may cause parkinson-like movement abnormalities, per a case-control study conducted in the french west indies.

What is soursop leaves benefits and side effects?

These leaves have potential anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anemia-treating, blood-sugar-regulating, and oral health-promoting properties.

However, in certain people, they may result in neuron malfunction and excessive blood pressure reduction.

Soursop Fruit Benefits
Soursop Fruit Benefits
What does soursop do to your body?

Vitamin c is abundant in soursop and is an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. Your immune system is strengthened by the vitamin, which enhances its capacity to fend against infections.

Additionally, it encourages the elimination of free radicals, which may help shield your cells and skin from oxidative damage caused by the environment.

Is it healthy to eat soursop every day?

The health risks associated with excessive consumption are well-known.

Consuming high quantities of soursop as food or drink or as a supplement is not safe for humans. Steer clear of tea and supplements containing soursop.

Try reducing the amount of soursop pulp, sweets, or juice you consume to ½ cup on a couple different days per week.

Is soursop good for kidneys?

Because soursop does not induce hyperkalemia, its ingestion in conjunction with chronic kidney disease (ckd) is safe and beneficial, as supported by numerous additional research.

Can soursop help fertility?

The use of soursop fluids as an extender to rooster pure semen improved the fertility of spermatozoa and the state of the oxidative machinery when processing or storing ejaculates for insemination

What are the disadvantages of soursop?

They may lower blood pressure, induce neurotoxicity issues, fungus and yeast infections in the body, movement difficulties, liver and kidney damage, and neurotoxicity. Furthermore, they can raise the chance of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, eat them sparingly.

Can soursop leaves cure infection?

Soursop leaves have been shown to be

beneficial in the treatment and prevention of renal disease, urinary tract infections, and cancer.

Does soursop make you sleepy?

Soursop enhances the quality of sleep: many people stuff the leaves inside their pillows in an attempt to improve their quality of sleep. Furthermore, the leaves of the soursop plant are widely used as a sedative in the west indies.

When should you take soursop?

We advise starting with just one cup of soursop tea in the morning and observing how your body responds to it throughout the rest of the day. After a week or two of doing that, you can pour in another cup of soursop tea later in the day if you want to maximize its healing properties.

Is soursop good for liver?

Because soursop is alkaline, it helps the liver get detoxified: it’s regarded as one of the best foods to produce alkalinity. Many advocates of the alkaline diet assert that it can aid in the body’s detoxification and slow down the rate of cell deterioration by maintaining the ph of the body slightly alkaline and using soursop to treat liver issues.

Who cannot drink soursop tea?

During pregnancy, tea brewed from the leaves should be avoided. Avoid giving tea to young children and don’t drink it for extended periods of time. Patients on anti-diabetic drugs should use caution while taking supplements containing soursop or graviola because of its ability to reduce blood glucose levels.

Does soursop affect sperm?

The testes and epididymes experienced a dose-dependent moderating effect from sfe, ranging from 1.01 to 1.32 g and 0.25 to 0.36 g, respectively.

Ph of semen and viability of sperm the ph of the semen was not significantly affected by the sfe or caffeine treatments.

Does soursop cause yeast infection?

Soursop has been demonstrated in one study to eradicate bacteria, including those linked to gingivitis, dental decay, and yeast infections.

Additionally, it has been demonstrated to treat a number of bacterial and parasitic illnesses, such as herpes and leishmaniasis.

Does soursop leaf cure malaria?

All parts of the plant are used to cure cancer, diabetes, parasite infections, stomachaches, malaria, and other conditions in a number of tropical sub-saharan nations, including Uganda.

Furthermore, the leaves, bark, and roots of a are utilized in the anthelmintic and antiparasitic treatments.

What are the benefits of drinking boiled soursop leaves water?

Soursop tea, made from the leaves, can help with stomach issues (such as ulcers and gastritis) and can stop the onset of illnesses including high blood pressure and cataracts.

Can soursop leaves cure staphylococcus?

When it comes to pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus, sorbet leaf ethanolic extract has demonstrated the strongest antibacterial activity.

At a concentration of 12.5%, soursop leaf extract can suppress the growth of supragingival plaque bacteria

What is soursop in Yoruba language?

It is also referred to as african custard-apple, wild custard apple, wild soursop, abo ibobo (Yoruba language), sunkungo (mandinka language), and dorgot (wolof language).

Is soursop good for diabetes?

The leaves of the soursop plant are the component that contains anti-diabetic qualities. According to earlier research, Foodnbodyistering an ethanolic extract of soursop leaves (annona muricata )

How do you use soursop leaves on your skin?

It addresses eczema as well as additional skin issues: mash some soursop leaves, then use the paste as a plaster on the injured region.

Is soursop good at night?

Sleep quality is improved with soursoup. It is well known that soursop leaves naturally have sedative qualities. Before going to bed, a warm cup of soursop leaf tea will help ease muscle tension and encourage restful sleep.

Should i drink soursop tea hot or cold?

You can now enjoy your freshly made soursop leaf tea. It can be consumed hot or cold. You can choose whether or not to add milk to give it a more classic tea flavor.

Can soursop leaves be reused?

The tea can be used as a facial cleanser. Or applied as a hair spray. You are allowed to utilize them 02:58 times total.

Can i drink soursop tea before bed?

T also aids in digestion, appetite, and sleep. Serotonin is released when soursop leaf tea is consumed, which aids in body soothing.

Many articles give credit to drink tea made from soursop leaves for a more peaceful sleep.

Soursop leaves are widely used as a sedative in the west indies.

What are soursop tea health benefits?

Due to its high fiber content, soursop has several health benefits, including the ability to help with constipation, lower the rate at which sugar is absorbed from meals, and reduce sugar absorption itself.

This can assist in controlling blood sugar levels and averting diabetes and insulin resistance.

Soursop Fruit Benefits
Soursop Fruit Benefits
Are there any health benefits of soursop leaf?

Soursop tea, made from the leaves, can help with stomach issues (such as ulcers and gastritis) and can stop the onset of illnesses including high blood pressure and cataracts.

Is soursop healthy for you?

Vitamin c is abundant in soursop and is an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. Your immune system is strengthened by the vitamin, which enhances its capacity to fend against infections.

Additionally, it encourages the elimination of free radicals, which may help shield your cells and skin from oxidative damage caused by the environment.

Soursop and pregnancy

During pregnancy, tea brewed from the leaves should be avoided. Avoid giving tea to young children and don’t drink it for extended periods of time.

Patients on anti-diabetic drugs should use caution while taking supplements containing soursop or graviola because of its ability to reduce blood glucose levels.

Soursop fruit and female fertility

Soursop fruit and fertility

In summary, adding soursop juices as an extender to rooster undiluted semen improved the fertility of spermatozoa and the state of the oxidative machinery while processing or storing ejaculates for insemination.

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